Saturday 4 February 2012

Top 5 Trade-show Practices

Bring the relevant staff on the trade-booth:
Usually businesses bring only Sales staff on the trade booth, which is a good idea but can be problematic if the attendees of the show have diversified demographics, which is the case majority of the time. Exhibitions attract different group of stakeholders for instance; students, customers, media, competitors and so on. Therefore, your trade-booth must have HR personnel, sales personnel, PR personnel and so on, in order to have effective participation in the event & save one another time to be consumed by a irrelevant individual.

Contact the leads while they are hot:
Usually sales people contact the leads generated during the show after a considerably long time. This is just like investing on a venture and leave it right at the point it starts generating ROI. Sales people should contact the leads within a week of a show else your competition, who were in the event as well, will take away the business from you.

Create a buzz before the event:
I consider it as a sin if you don’t market your presence in the event before-hand. In order to make your investment effective, it is important to market the event to your stakeholders. You can take a look to some of the tips for how you can market your event effectively.

Make your presence noteworthy:
Try to be different from your competition and other exhibitors in the event. Entrepreneur, Joseph Cossmon, was a master of promotion. To create a buzz around his new toy spud fun at a big toy show, Cossmon, ordered hundereds of pounds of potatoes and invited local orphanage to come and play. The Spud Gun was the hit of the show. You can also think of an interesting and catchy idea to make your presence above competition.

Be an attendee, not an exhibitor:
If your budgets are tight or the exhibition is new, then it is not necessary to invest your money in exhibiting. You can also participate in the event as attendee or  a speaker. As a speaker, you can grab more attention towards your business/idea. The key is to make the best use of the event by keeping all the circumstances and your objectives under consideration.

Friday 6 January 2012

Intersec Trade Fair 2012 (15-17 January 2012)

Location: Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Intersec trade fair has played major role in the last 12 years in promoting the security industry world-wide. The trade-fair provides a huge platform for diversified national and international brands in Security industry. Intersec 2012 will showcase the latest technologies including and apparatus including, Commercial and Information Security, Homeland Security and Policing, Fire & Rescue and Safety and Health.
Visitor profile includes:
  • Security Professionals
  • System Integrators
  • Dealers
  • Fire Brigades/Civil Defence 
  • Architects
  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Oil & Gas Refineries and Plants
  • Airports
  • Construction
  • Hotel Industry and Hospitality
  • Manufacturers 
  • Electricians
  • Firemen
  • Security Agents etc.

Exhibitor Profiles include:
Biometerics, Audio/Video Control System, Alarm Screens,Alarms, Audio Components, Authentication Products, Building Facilities, Automation Building Materials, Access Control System etc.
For further details, please visit :

Saturday 15 October 2011

Photo Tour to GITEX 2011

Here are some of the images right from GITEX 2011. The blog is for those who couldn't attend the mega event.

GITEX 2011

Dubai Police are now fixing wireless cameras on dogs so that they can record everything that they see

E-Government is now having apps for every device so that the people can access and use their services 

The intelligent riding robot for kids that have voice alerts, sensors and zero turn radius

A small robot that can do almost all house-hold functions

A weather proof T.V from Panasonic 

Innovative water proof speakers

Resource :

Saturday 8 October 2011

Types of Exhibition Stands

Recently one of the prospects of Nexus54 asks our Designers team that what kind of Exhibition-stand will help them to make their participation more effective and attractive. Therefore, today we have decided to bring a brief blog on what kind of exhibition stands are available in the market that will help you to achieve your exhibition objectives. 

Traditionally, Exhibition-stands were made of simple rods and poles with less graphics and eye-catching material. But now-a-days things have changed dramatically. Latest technologies and ideas have changed the traditional exhibition stand style into more attractive,trendy, easily portable hence effective exhibition stands. 

Today following exhibition stands style are available in the market.

Modular Stands:
These are the most versatile type of stands available and can be used in variety of ways to make your stand looks more trendy and attractive. Modular stands are fabricated by joining various parts together to make a complete stand. Such stands have multiple features like shelving, lighting, products display and banner hooks etc. All these features can be customized according to Exhibitors needs with the help of various graphic designing tools.
Modular stands are available in various forms like :
Modular Stand with Literature Stand Designed and Build by Nexus54

Banner Stands:
Banner stands are one of the simplest types of stands. If you are having less space and less budget yet you want to have eye-catching exhibition presence then Banner stands are the best choice for you. These stands are very easy to carry and can be used at point of sales promotion etc. Now-a-days, Digital Banner Stands are also available that make the stands more trendy and eye catching.
Digital Banner Stand
Literature Stands:
These stands are usually used with other types of exhibition stands. Their major purpose is to keep different literature, brochures, and other reading material for the visitors. These stands can also be customized through different branding and designing tools. 

Now-a-days Pop-up stands are very much in fashion. They are very easy to transport, light weight and can be produce tremendous results if brand and designed properly. These stands are mainly use for conferences, presentations and exhibitions. Because of their portability, they are very common in use. Usually, they come in the following categories :
  • Tower Pop-ups
  • Fabric Kit 
  • Pop-up banners