If Telemarketing is part of your marketing plan then you can't neglect the importance of its role. Like any other Below the Line (BTL) marketing activity , telemarketing can also make your whole campaign a SUPER DUPER HIT.
The same article is also helpful for novice telephone callers in corporate world, who don’t have any prior experience may find these points helpful for them in order to enhance their calling skills. It’s not mandatory that all of these points are applicable to any person at a same time.
Have Maximum Knowledge of Your Agenda & Write it Down in Bullet-Form:
Whenever you pick up the phone, make sure you have complete knowledge of whatever you’re going to talk about. Never rely on improvisation. Improvisation requires hell lot of practice, so don’t try it at initial level, it can be disastrous. The right practice is to talk to your immediate boss or a person who has the right knowledge, probe each and every point to make everything clear to yourself in order to make it clear to the person on the line.
Before making important calls, write down all the important points in bullet form and put it right in front of you. While noting down, it is better if you use appropriate words that you also want to use during your call. It makes you more organize and presentable on the phone.
Another important thing is, the selection of your words MUST BE according to the person you are going to talk to. It creates a comfortable environment for the other person and he/she will talk to you at ease.
Feel What you’re Saying with a Smile on Your Face:
Telephone speaking, where your body language i.e; your gestures & postures are not visible, is something that requires a lot of practice to be effective. In order to do so you must feel the intensity of your WORDS. You must pretend as if you REALLY mean whatever you are saying. I am using the word PRETEND here because usually novice professionals have lots of inhibitions that they don’t actually feel what they do. So the key is “fake it till you make it..”. This principle is applicable to other areas of your job as well.
Other important thing here is SMILE. Consider it mandatory to put a smile on your face while delivering your opening statement. For instance, usually when on call we say , “ How are you Mr. ABC?” while saying this you must have a glowing smile on your face because whenever you change your facial muscles in this way, it automatically shows up in your tone (pick up the phone, call your friend and test it ) . So, delivering words according to respective emotion or feel is VERY VERY important on telephone especially. You can also draw a smiley and stick it on a wall before you. You must look at it while making calls.
Have Clear, Crisp and Sharp Tone:
Another important point to keep in mind is that you must practice to have clear and complete words when you speak. Such a delivery of words actually shows your confidence. Speaking with a whining tone, incomplete words, very low voice or mumbling, they all give very negative impact whether you are talking face to face or on telephone. So, be concrete, crisp and confident.
This can be done by concentrating on each and every word you say. Usually novice speaker feel loss of words from mind and as a result of which u lose the concreteness, crispiness and ultimately confidence also diminishes. It happens because of lack of concentration. You may lose your concentration because of making answers before hand, anticipating the next argument of other person, because of your mind wandering around entirely irrelevant matters, hesitation of somebody’s presence or something else like low energy, empty stomach,uncomfortable seating environment, there is a long a list of things to divert you from the focal point (by the way, for Effective Office Interior, just drop an email to us ;) ).
To avoid this all, I suggest concentrating on each and every word you say. Put all of your focus on your speech. That really helps to prevent distraction, make your voice sounds like focused and confident. Try it TODAY!!
To avoid this all, I suggest concentrating on each and every word you say. Put all of your focus on your speech. That really helps to prevent distraction, make your voice sounds like focused and confident. Try it TODAY!!
Record Your Voice and Listen it Critically:
Record your voice maybe in your cell phone or where ever possible. Listen it, evaluate it, analyze the flaws, consider your speed, your pronunciation, crispiness, and emotions and most importantly feel how it sounds like? Does it sound they way it should sound? Note all of the points.
Next time you record your voice, compare it with the previous notes you made and work on the flaws. Listen to the experts, practice the way they talk.
Keep Record of Your Learning:
The most important thing to do is to write down in your note book every time you learn anything new during your calls. Whenever you make a mistake during a call sessions discuss it with somebody you trust and who has good knowledge and skills. Open up your diary after every week or so and evaluate your own performance.
At last but not the least, you can’t become master of your field over night. It requires a lot of practice. You will definitely make lots of mistakes during these initial days of your career (if you are newbie) but make sure to never consider these mistakes as negative these are your learning, keep them with you, note them down, discuss them with people and make them the basis of your performance measurement.
So, practice all of the above mentioned points or others that you consider are helpful for you on REGULAR-BASIS. Just take an initiative TODAY & make this practice your most beloved habit. You will start enjoying your calls !!
Don't forget to share your experience with Nexus54 !!
So, practice all of the above mentioned points or others that you consider are helpful for you on REGULAR-BASIS. Just take an initiative TODAY & make this practice your most beloved habit. You will start enjoying your calls !!
Don't forget to share your experience with Nexus54 !!
Have a Nice Calling !!
Contributed by : Nexus54 Marketing Department