Monday 27 June 2011

GITEX Technology Week 2011 -- IT Industry , this is the TIME !!

GITEX Technology week 2011 is the new buzz in the IT- industry. The IT based event is the most awaited one from the last few years which is acting as a platform for the IT sector and have guaranteed participation of the GIANTS in the industry. GITEX Technology week is connecting 3,500 domestic and international IT vendors with more than 136,000 ICT professionals.

This year GITEX Technology week 2011 is going to be held on 9th to 13th of October, covering various IT based sector including ;

  • Business Solutions
  • Consumer Technology
  • Digital Media
  • Cloud Confex etc.

Exhibition Registrations are opened at the GITEX official website. 
If you are associated with the IT  sector, this is the event that you SHOULD NOT even think of  missing..

Exhibition Stand by Nexus54 @ GITEX2010

Report by:
Nexus54 Exhibition Division | www.nexus54.com04 - 333 8980



  1. GITEX Business Solutions is internationally recognized as the largest and most important business-to-business IT Trade Event for Corporate, Enterprise and Small & Medium Businesses that exists for the Middle Eastern, African and South Asian markets.

    CDN is consistently participating in Gitex Technology Week with enthusiastic responses since 2009. Last year we exhibited various mobile apps in smartphone technologies like iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, Palm WebOs, Windows, Meego and Nokia OVI. This year as well we will be showcasing some of our popular mobile apps and other software solutions. We are also interested in forging partnership with companies looking to outsource their software services.

  2. I hope you will have a magnificent participation this time too :-)!

    Good Luck!

  3. Thanks a lot for the nice post and hoping that you got some interesting feedback for your innovative work there. Willing to see some more from you...

    Commercial Fitouts
