Friday 10 June 2011

Welcome to Nexus54 Blog !


Nexus54 was established in 2004 to support the tremendous growth of exhibition sector in Dubai and has rapidly developed to become a most reliable source for providing exhibition stands and branding needs for local and international clients.

Nexus54 delivers a selective range of products and services throughout the UAE and GCC countries. We have team and expertise to do projects in other countries including USA, UK etc. We are the company operating glocally (act locally , think globally).

To Serve
To Improve
To Grow Business

"To create a “wish to be work with” company, who can support our people and clients to achieve their goals"

To be one of the top design and production house to support our clients to achieve their marketing and growth goals. Creating a pleasant and enjoyable work place for our team while Investing in our people, infrastructure and technology.

Core Values
Do the right thing
Be creative and innovative
Be communicative
Exceed expectations
Have fun

If you have any questions please Contact Us or Send Us Email

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